Quality was varied, and prices spanned from $80.50 to $215 on AuctionsPlus, for a line of 4 year old ewes weighing 55kg, SIL to White Suffolk rams from Euroa, VIC heading to Morven, NSW.
Merino ewes succumbed to the softer market as prices for young Merino breeders aged 2 to 4 years continued to steady, falling back $4 from last week to average $137.
While a line of unjoined 1.5 to 3.5 year old 50kg ewes from Cunnamulla, QLD selling for $167.
Older Merino breeders aged 4 to 6 years experienced the same trend as they fell a harsher $8 on last week to average $124.
The consignment was again mixed in quality, as prices ranged from $72.00 to $169 for a line of 2.5 to 6.5 year old, 56kg ewes from Maroon, VIC, SIL to Dorset rams.
A spike in the offering of Merino wether and wether lambs saw 10,500 offered this week, an increase of 2,500 on last week.
Buyers capitalised on the softer market with 87% clearance. The average price for wether lambs fell by $25 to an average price of $74.
Overall wether prices varied greatly from $33.5 to $146.50 for a line of 2.5 to 3.5-year-old wethers from Nimmitabel, NSW, weighing 48kg with a 2” skin.
First Cross ewes sparked buyer interest and were topped by a line of future breeders weighing 54kg, Jul/Aug ‘17 drop ewe lambs from Tunbridge, Tasmania selling for $180.
Three lines of hoggets and three lines aged 2.5 years were offered from one vendor in Maroona, VIC this week and they were topped with a price of $257.50 to 2.5 year old SIL Ewes to Dorset rams.