Ewes from Dubbo NSW made $238, SIL to White Suffolk rams and weighing 70kgs, on AuctionsPlus last week.
Young 2-4 year old Merino breeder prices improved last week, averaging $168 which is up $31 on last.
The top price went to a line of SIL ewes aged 3-4 years, weighing 64kgs fresh off the board, selling for $184.
These young breeders are SIL to White Suffolk rams, from The Rock NSW and heading to Holbrook NSW.
Older Merino breeders this week averaged $118, which is a decrease on last week by $6. Quality was varied with prices ranging from $87 to $161, this top price was for a line of SIL ewes aged 4.5-6.5 years, weighing 58kgs with 2.5” wool length, from account ‘Robertson & Hall’, Bookham, NSW.
Merino wether and wether lamb offerings dropped by just over 2,000 head. Merino wether lambs averaged $98, and reached a top price of $118.50.
This top price was for wether lambs weighing 33kg, 3” wool length, aged 6-7 months. Congratulations to ‘PE & CA Marshall’, Burren Junction, NSW.
A line of Merino store wether lambs will be travelling over 1,700kms, from Broken Hill NSW, to Longreach QLD. Two lots of 4.5-5 year old merino woolgrower wethers will also be heading from Bothwell TAS over to Bendigo VIC, these sold for $129.50 & $107.50.
Border Leicester/Merino ewe lambs & hoggets almost doubled in numbers from last week, having a total consignment of 9,915.
Averages dropped this week to $173 which is a decrease of $15.
The top price for Border Leicester/Merino ewe lambs this week was achieved by 3 lines of 9-10 month old ewes weighing 56kgs, selling for $190.50.
Offered by ‘Kinsey Trading Trust’, Trangie NSW, these lambs are heading to Norong, VIC.