The top price of younger ewes on AuctionsPlus last week went to a line of 11 to 13 month old future breeder ewes weighing 35kg, from Eudunda, SA, selling for $142.50.
Proven breeders were in supply, averaging $160, prices ranged from $109.50 to a top of $210, for a line of Kilmore blood 2.5 year old ewes A/c ‘C & K Tuesner’, weighing 59kg and SIL to Suffolk and White Suffolk rams from Concordia, SA.
Older Merino ewes and mixed age lots made up the best part of the offering, averaging $114 and ranging from $75 to $185.
The premium was recorded by 4.5 year old ewes also A/c C & K Tuesner. These ewes were 61kg and SIL to Suffolk and White Suffolk rams.
Merino wether and wether lamb numbers eased to 8,000 this week. The majority offered were Merino wether lambs, which averaged $84 and prices ranged from $59.50 to $107.50.
The top price was secured by Merryville blood wethers A/c ‘HH Harris & Sons’, Sep/Oct 17’ drop and weighing 36kg with a 1.5” skin.
These 700 will be a neat B-double and make the 1,300km trip from Thallon, QLD, down to Willowmavin, VIC.
Merino wethers were in lesser supply and were topped by 4.5 year old heavy cutting Cottage Park and Avonside blood wethers with a 2.5” skin, weighing 64kg and hitting reserve at $150. This neat line will be heading from Cooma, NSW, to Epsom, VIC.
First cross ewes had an offering of 3,200 this week with an even split between ewe lambs and older proven breeders.
The ewe lambs averaged $161 and ranged from $131 to $191, topped by a line of 51kg, 10 to 11 month old ewes from Balldale, NSW, SIL to Poll Dorset rams.
The proven breeders averaged $194 and ranged from $168 to $209. This top price was achieved by a line of 4.5 year old ewes, weighing 69kg from Dunedoo, NSW.
• 2nd cross Dorset mixed sex lambs weighing 40kg from Cowra, NSW made $130 or 323c/kg live
• Dorper mixed sex lambs weighing 33kg from Texas, QLD made $90 or 365c/kg live
• Border Leicester/Merino mixed sex suckers weighing 37kg from Wellington, NSW made $122 or 332c/kg live
• Coolalee/Dohne mixed sex lambs weighing 39kg from Mungindi, NSW made $117.50 or 329c/kg live
• Suffolk/Merino mixed sex lambs weighing 36kg from Woodside, VIC made $116 or 307c/kg live