Saputo to keep Kiewa processing site open

SaputoSaputo has announced a further step up in farmgate milk price for the 2017-18 season for all suppliers of Saputo Dairy Australia in all supply regions (Southern Milk Region and NSW).

This payment is retrospective and applies to milk supplied by active WCB and MG suppliers from 1 July 2017.

The payment will be made with April 2018 proceeds in May 2018.

This increases Saputo’s average farmgate milk price for the 2017/18 season for all Saputo Dairy Australia suppliers in the Southern Milk Region to $5.68 per kilogram milk solids (up from $5.60 per kgms).

“We are focused on building milk supply in Victoria and Tasmania as a priority and farmers looking to supply Saputo Dairy Australia should contact our field services teams,” Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Saputo Inc Lino A. Saputo, Jr. said.

“We are pleased to confirm the Kiewa processing site will remain open,” he said.

“We met with the Kiewa team to inform them of this important decision. We appreciate the uncertainty that employees at the Kiewa site have experienced in recent times and extend gratitude to them for their loyalty.

“We also want to thank the community and the Kiewa farmer suppliers for their dedication to the Kiewa facility. We now look forward to working together to make Kiewa successful.”

-Murray Goulburn