Young Merino breeders sold between $120 and $183 on AuctionsPlus, the top price achieved by a line of 192 SIL ewes from Violet Town, VIC.
Weighing 52kg and aged 2 to 4 years, these ewes are SIL to Wattle Park Dorset and White Suffolk rams.
Proven breeders were well supplied, selling from $53 to $140 to average $107.
Merino ewe numbers more than doubled those listed last week, with just shy of 14,000 catalogued.
Merino ewe lambs ranged in price from $127 to $162 for a line of 800 ewes weighing 42kg, aged 9 to 10 months from Nhill, VIC.
Ewe hoggets were mixed in quality and sold between $60 and $193. A line of 630 head from Milvale, NSW, weighing 44 kg with a 60mm skin and aged 12 to 13 months achieved the top price.
A line of 1400 September shorn ewes from Guyra, NSW sold for $123 to a local buyer. Weighing 51kg with a 2.5 inch skin and aged 5 to 7 years, these ewes are SIL to Border Leicester rams.
A line of 225 NSM ewes & 260 lambs from Mudgee, NSW sold for $175. The ewes average 62kg and are aged 4 to 5 years with 18kg lambs at foot sired by Dorper rams.
Merino wethers and wether lambs halved in numbers from last week, to total 5750. Lambs sold between $64 and $107 to average $78, down $6 on last week. A line of 450 head from Michelago, ACT weighing 38kg with a 55mm skin achieved the top price.
A line of 500 wethers weighing 43kg and aged 17 to 19 months from Eromanga, QLD sold for $68. While from Hamilton, VIC, a line of 420 two year old wethers weighing 39kg with a 60mm skin returned $132.
First cross ewes were also back in numbers, with proven breeders making up the majority of listings. Lambs were in short supply, while proven breeders sold between $112 and $195, the top price achieved by a line of 63kg, rising 2 to 3 year old ewes from Harden, NSW, SIL to Dorset rams.
From Mundulla, SA, a line of 380 First Cross ewe hoggets, weighing 62kg and SIL to White Suffolk rams sold for $250.
In other breeds, ewe numbers totaled almost 7000, boosted by 1500 Composite SIL ewe lambs from Apsley, VIC which averaged 46kg and sold from $188 to $221.
From Lochaber, SA, 450 Composite ewes weighing 54kg and aged 10 to 12 months sold between $160 and $216. While a line of 700 SIL Dorper ewes from Longreach, Qld, weighing 53kg and aged 2 to 5 years returned $117.
Store lambs were sought after and clearance reached 90%. In total, 9200 were offered and prices ranged between $65 and $127.
A line of 770 second cross Dorset mixed sex lambs from Walcha, NSW, weighing 39kg and Sept/Oct 2017 drop achieved the top price. While from Copping, TAS, 230 White Suffolk/ Merino lambs weighing 39kg and August 2017 drop, sold for $126 or 323c/kg.
New season suckers were on offer for the second week, including 350 mixed sex suckers A/c Gidgee Enterprises from Cootamundra, NSW who have been regulars on AuctionsPlus selling their new season lambs for the past few years.
Weighing 21kg, their suckers returned $85 head or 404c. 1040 suckers from Wellington NSW, weighing 17kg sold for $72.50 or 426c.