Paddock walk to evaluate stubble project

Crop-walkGrain growers looking to improve the profitability and sustainability of their stubble retained systems are invited to a paddock walk being run by Riverine Plains from 10am on June 21 at the Riverine Research Centre, near Yarrawonga in Victoria.

Riverine Plains Inc Research Officer, Dr Cassandra Schefe explained that “the paddock walk provides an opportunity for growers to learn about the trials established as part of a five-year Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) project comparing the effect of a number of stubble management strategies on crop growth and development”.

“The Stubble Project was a significant investment in local field trial research, though the sheer scale and range of trials undertaken throughout the project has meant that a lot of the research has not yet been discussed with grain growers. As such, this event provides a chance for growers to hear about the key outcomes and practical learnings from the project, which occurred under highly variable seasonal conditions over the past four years” said Cassandra.

The morning will also feature discussions on results from the small plot trials established to determine the impact of stubble management on row spacing, application of nitrogen, yellow leaf spot and plant growth regulators.

Following the stubble discussions, growers are invited to tour the range of trials being undertaken at the Riverine Research Centre this season, including early sown wheat and barley, disease and fertiliser trials.

“In previous years, growers and advisors have been able to tour the Riverine Research Centre trials during the annual Riverine Plains Inc and FAR Australia Spring Field Day. However, we would like to invite growers to view the trials earlier this season, so that they can follow the progress of these trials through to the Spring Field Day and the subsequent yield results” added Cassandra.

Dr Schefe facilitate the walk along with Michael Straight from FAR Australia, who will discuss the outcomes of the large focus farm findings and the small plot results from the 2014 – 2017 seasons, as well as introducing the Riverine Research Centre 2018 trials.

The paddock walk will take place at 10am on Thursday 21 June at the Riverine Research Centre, located at the corner of Forges & Odeas Road, Burramine, via Yarrawonga.

This event is free and all are welcome. For more information please contact Cassie at, (03) 5744 1713 / 0419 238 798 or visit