Two-year-old Composite/Merino cross ewes, weighing 70kg, and lambs this week from Burrumbuttock, NSW, which sold for $280 on AuctionsPlus.
Merino ewe lambs ranged from $95.50 to a top of $150.50, averaging $108, $11 down on last week.
The top price line was a mob of March/April drop, Gum Hill blood Poll Merino future breeders, from Peterborough SA.
Merino hoggets this week sold from $125 to $145, with an average of $134.50. Grown scanned in lamb Merino ewes this week sold from $65 to $182, and an average of $133, up $5 from last week.
Merino ewes with lambs at foot were topped by a line of 3 to 7 year old ewes from Robertstown, SA, which had Tongara blood White Suffolk lambs at foot.
Merino wether lambs this week averaged $95, up $7 from last week. Lambs were topped by a line of Severn Park and Mumblebone blood, July/August drop lambs from Cassilis, NSW.
The lambs weighed 46kg and had a 1.5 inch skin and sold for $128.50. Merino hoggets were topped by a line of 20 to 21 month old Petali Poll Merino blood wool growers from Walcha, NSW, selling for $85.
A small offering of First Cross Border Leicester/Merino ewes this week saw a line of 16 to 21 month old ewes, scanned in lamb to White Suffolk rams from Coonabarabran, NSW, sell for $180.
Other crossbred highlights included, July August drop Primeline ewe lambs from Uranquinty, NSW which sold for $230. These lambs were scanned in lamb to Primeline lambs.
Store lamb highlights this week included:
– Aug/Sept-17, drop, 2ndX White Suffolk Mixed Sex Trade Lambs, weighing 53.1kgs, from AVOCA Tasmania, sold for $157
– Sept/Oct-17, drop, Poll Dorset/Merino Mixed Sex Lambs, weighing 37.6kgs, from COOLAC New South Wales, sold for $114.5
– Sept/Nov-17, drop, Border Leicester/Merino Mixed Sex Suckers, weighing 32.2kgs, from WELLINGTON New South Wales, sold for $111
– Sept/Oct-17, drop, 2ndX Poll Dorset Mixed Sex Suckers, weighing 33.4kgs, from WELLINGTON New South Wales, sold for $108
– Nov/Dec-17, drop, Border Leicester/Merino Mixed Sex Suckers, weighing 27.4kgs, from WELLINGTON New South Wales, sold for $100
– Jul/Aug-17, drop, Suffolk/Merino Mixed Sex Lambs, weighing 28.9kgs, from WOODSIDE Victoria, sold for $90
– Aug/Sept-17, drop, 2ndX Poll Dorset Mixed Sex Lambs, weighing 33.3kgs, from WALCHA New South Wales, sold for $85