First cross highlights AuctionsPlus include ewes with lambs at foot from Barnawartha, VIC selling for $283 to a buyer in Bracknell, TAS.
Tough market and seasonal conditions resulted in a lower clearance for the 10,500 Merino ewes and ewe lambs up on the box.
Merino ewe lambs averaged $105 and ranged from $70 to $149. This top price went to a line of Toland blood lambs from Violet Town, VIC and are heading to Bulgana, VIC.
Young and proven Merino breeders averaged $123 and reached a top of $170. This price came out of Boort, VIC, and was a line of 190 scanned in lamb ewes, joined to White Suffolk rams. Merino wether lambs sold to an average of $77 this week.
The top price of $111 was landed by a line of Egelabra blood wethers from Beaufort, VIC. These boys weighed in at 30kg and are on their way to Pitfield, VIC.
First cross ewes and ewe lambs were once again in short supply, and prices ranged from $135 to $220. This top price went to a line of scanned empty ewes from Tottenham, NSW.
These ewes were bred out of Armatree Border Leicester rams and large frame Well Gully Merino ewes, and are heading to Wodonga, VIC.
Other first cross highlights include ewes with lambs at foot from Barnawartha, VIC which sold for $283 to a buyer in Bracknell, TAS.
Other highlights include a line of Multi Meat/Composite ewes that are scanned in lamb to Anden Ultra Whites. These ewes sold for $217, weighed in at 53kg and are on their way to Euroa, VIC.
There was strong interest around the four lots up for sale in Tasmania this week, with 17 bidders and 6 guests logging in to the sale.
A mainland processor had their eyes on Tasmania, being the successful bidder on the two top lines. The top price of $180/h or 790c/kg dressed went to a line of White Suffolk/ Cormo mixed sex lambs from Bothwell.