Managing sheep in drought lots

droughtlottingProducers across southern Australia have relied on drought lots for their sheep over winter and, with continuing dry conditions forecast, are now looking at extending their use.

With rising input costs, MLA’s Project Manager – Sheep Productivity Joe Gebbels said producers should – before starting drought lotting – make these considerations:

  1. the class of livestock to be managed in the drought lot
  2. the energy and protein needs of that livestock class
  3. availability and cost of inputs (including those already held on farm)
  4. the location, design and operation of the drought lot including machinery capacity and labour inputs.

“If possible consult a specialist veterinarian or animal nutritionist when setting up a feeding regime, particularly in relation to animal health treatments entering and exiting the drought lot and the need for supplementation while on rations,” Joe said.

Three useful resources for producers:

Riverina Local Land Services recently held a drought feed lotting seminar covering nutrition, drought lot design and management considerations.

The presentations were recorded and are now available on YouTube on theĀ Riverina Local Land Services channel.