Merino ewe hoggets top at $216.50 on AuctionsPlus


The top price went to a line of Studall blood ewes from Wallaloo, VIC. T

Merino ewe hoggets sold from $108 to $216.50 to average $159 on AuctionsPlus last week.

The top price went to a line of Studall blood ewes from Wallaloo, VIC. These quality breeders are aged 17 – 18 months, weigh 50kg with a 1.5” skin.

From Henty, NSW a line of Borrambil blood Merino ewes aged 12 – 13 months, weighing 52kg with a 2.5” skin sold for $211.

Young breeders averaged $127 and sold to a top of $150 which went to a line from Walgett, NSW.

These 2 year old ewes are bred from Bungulla and Haddon Rig blood, weigh 47kg with a 1.5” skin.

Older Merino ewes averaged $133 and sold to a top of $170. This top price went to a line of Kedleston Park blood ewes from Cavill, VIC. These ewes are 5.5 years old and weigh 66kg with ¼” skin.
Merino wether lambs sold from $44.5 to $130 to average $87. The top price went to a line out of Spalding, SA. This line of 1,024 lambs have been bred from Gum Hill and Springvale North bloodlines,  April / May 2018 drop and weigh 38kg with a 2” skin.

These lambs were offered over 4 lots which are now heading to two different purchasers, half travelling to Elmore, VIC and the other half to Kadina, SA. Grown Merino wethers averaged $47 and sold to a top of $48.

The top price went to a line of 810 Hazeldean and Severn Park blood hoggets, aged 12 to 13 months, weighing 29kg freshly shorn  from Cooma, NSW.
Frist cross ewe lambs averaged $179 and sold to a top of $216 which went to a line from Western Flat, SA. These ewes are sired from Paxton and Cloverlea blood rams, April / May 2018 drop and weigh 47kg.

Ewe hoggets averaged $201 and sold to a top of $250. This top price went to a line from Wellington, NSW and are making a 1,125km journey to Mt Gambier, SA.

These ewes are aged 12- 13 months and weigh 61kg. Grown first cross ewes averaged $183 and sold to a top of $191.

This top price went to a line of 400, 3 year old ewes, weighing 60kg from Coolamon, NSW which are travelling to 680km to Hamilton,VIC.
Other highlights include a line of Suffolk and Composite ewes and lambs from Glenthompson, VIC which sold for $221.

These ewes are aged 2 – 5 years and weigh 69kg. The Suffolk lambs at foot are 1 to 5 months old and weigh 33kg.
