Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) has detailed its Review of Performance (ROP) implementation plan for all 82 recommendations in the independent ROP.
AWI CEO Stuart McCullough highlighted that AWI’s implementation plan specifies how the organisation will address all 82 recommendations included in the ROP.
“Let me express AWI’s support for implementing all 82 recommendations included in the ROP. Our implementation plan provides a comprehensive three-year roadmap to successfully complete this process,” Mr McCullough shared.
“In implementing each of the 82 recommendations, our actions in the plan fall into three categories. The first are the 75 recommendations that relate to operational matters, the implementation of which I am pleased to report are already under way and some of which are already complete.
“The second category, of which there are two items, are those which are agreed in principle. We are working to identify a best approach to implementation.
“The third category includes five recommendations that the Board believes would result in significant change to the ‘DNA’ of AWI, and as such are highlighted for special consideration by AWI shareholders.
“As all changes to AWI’s Constitution require support from its shareholders, AWI will put those recommendations requiring shareholder deliberations to an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to be held in March 2019.
“In preparing our implementation plan, we have listened to woolgrowers and thought hard about what we do. Our plan provides a clear roadmap for continual improvement to the organisation and demonstrates our commitment to maintaining our industry leadership position and acting in the best interests of Australian woolgrowers.”
Mr McCullough added, “Transparency and information flow with woolgrowers and industry has been of critical importance to AWI throughout this ROP cycle as we embrace all the recommendations.
“In addition to our implementation plan, AWI has launched a Review of Performance Implementation Portal(ROPIP) to publish our implementation plan and report on our progress implementing the 82 recommendations.
“The ROPIP is there for all to see with an up-to-date status of our progress. We see great value in ongoing business improvement to ensure we continue to deliver benefits for woolgrowers.”
About the Review of Performance
Under its funding model, AWI has a statutory obligation through the Statutory Funding Agreement (SFA) to undergo a triennial independent performance review and is required to report this to levy-payers and the Government prior to each WoolPoll vote.
The 2015-18 Review of Performance report is a 500-page report based on a review conducted by Ernst & Young (EY) who were engaged by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, in accordance with the announcement of the Minister, David Littleproud on 27 February 2018.
More than 1300 documents were submitted by AWI as part of the forensic examination, with the views of over 400 woolgrowers recorded together with 56 written submissions and face to face interviews with more than 100 stakeholders and public comment.
82 recommendations were suggested, with the areas of monitoring and evaluation, consultation and governance being the focus. The recommendations ranged in levels of importance from ‘mandatory’, ‘critical’ and ‘recommended’ and provide the company with timing suggestions for completion helping to pave the way for greater consultation, transparency and accountability.
AWI has a statutory obligation through the SFA to provide its implementation plan to the Department of Agriculture, Water and Resources.
For more information about the Review of Performance and the ROPIP head to