Grown ewes top at $263 and ewe lambs to $197


These scanned-in-lamb ewes from Tottenham, NSW, sold for $194.

Grown ewes averaged $144, selling from $75 to $263 for 2.5 year old ewes out of the ‘Barooka Props’ Kingston, SA, on AuctionsPlus.

Merino ewe numbers jumped 15,180 to total 37,368 head offered, boosted by 1,813 head from WA offered in the Kojonup Special Sheep Sale.

Listings from all states expect TAS were up. Merino ewe lambs averaged $112 and experienced a large variation in price, selling from $66 to $197 with weight driving a premium.

This top price was achieved buy a line of 237 Kamora Park lambs, aged 8 to 9 months, avg 45kgs, out of Karoonda, SA. In Deniliquin, NSW, a lighter line of 470 East Loddon blood lambs, aged 6 months, avg 22kgs, returned $136.

Merino ewe hoggets sold from $77.50 to $262, averaging $157. This top price were the heaviest consignment out of a larger offering of 2,425 ewes by ‘Barooka Props’ Kingston SE, SA.

Of this offering, 920 hoggets, aged 16 to 18 months, bred on Glendemar MPM bloodlines, averaged $240 and were purchased out of Coonamble, NSW, over 1,200kms away.

Grown ewes averaged $144, selling from $75 to $263. This top price was paid for 2.5 year old ewes out of the ‘Barooka Props’ Kingston SE, SA offering.

Merino wethers were well represented in this week’s listings, with 24,099 head offered. Wether lambs averaged $78, selling from $45 to $120.

A line of 275 lambs, aged 7 to 8 months, avg 41kgs from Elmore, VIC retuned this top, and were purchased by a NSW processor.

Grown wethers sold from $82 to $107 and averaged $99. This top price was paid for two separate lines, the first of which was a line of 640 September shorn hoggets, aged 12 to 15 months, avg 50kgs from Yass, NSW. The second was paid for a line of 1,940 Gingie blood wethers, aged 2 years, avg 50kgs with a 1 ½” skin from St George, QLD.

First Cross ewes remained tight in supply, with 7,280 head offered. Demand for lambs was down at auction, however a standout line of 220 lambs, aged 7 to 8 months from Coonamble, NSW returned $221. Grown ewes averaged $214 and ranged from $121 to $247.

This top price was paid for a line of 132 ewes aged 2.5 years, avg 65kgs from Brimpaen, VIC. These ewes were part of a larger offering of 538 head, aged between 1.5 to 3.5 years from ‘Raewood Partnership’ which averaged $239.
