The Australian Limousin Breeders Society is proud to host ‘Capitalise on Carcase’ – a two day industry wide conference in Armidale, NSW, for all beef producers and industry stakeholders.
Presentations from leading industry experts will include breeding and selection for carcase quality and quantity, improving female fertility, best practice breeding and management systems, livestock handling solutions, through to the latest technology in the processing sector.
Gain tools, insights, inspiration and new ideas to increase your product return and market sales.
The conference will be held at the Armidale Bowling Club on May 24-25 with the full conference costing $120 for members and $155 for non-members, while there is a day registration of $45 for non-members and $30 for members.
- Hamish Chandler, Genetics Program Manager, MLA
- Laura Grubb, Strategic Operations, Teys Australia
- Alastair Rayner, Principal Consultant, RaynerAg
- Robert Gill, CEO, Alexander Downs