Stock inspectors conduct Operation Brand Aid

ear-tagSheep and goat consignments delivered to Western Australian abattoirs will be the focus of a targeted compliance operation by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development throughout July.

Department stock inspectors will be conducting Operation Brand Aid, a campaign to ensure stock leaving their property of origin are identified correctly and able to be traced.

Senior compliance inspector Mike Donaghy said inspectors would be checking livestock for National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) identification and auditing National Vendor Declaration (NVD) waybills for complete and correct information including valid property identification codes (PICs) and property addresses.

“Western Australia’s reputation for producing safe, high quality livestock products for domestic and export markets is underpinned by an effective traceability system,” Mr Donaghy said.

“The effectiveness of our traceability system depends on producers ensuring that livestock identification and movement documentation are correct.

“If traceability requirements are not met, we cannot provide assurances around stock health or certify stock to meet importing country requirements.”

Mr Donaghy said the operation aimed to strengthen the integrity of our traceability system throughout the supply chain.

“During Operation Brand Aid, producers who send livestock with incorrect or absent NLIS identification will be subject to compliance measures, including infringement notices,” he said.

“The majority of producers work hard to correctly identify their stock and the department will continue to provide education and awareness to assist producers with traceability requirements.

“However, where producers have a record of multiple non-compliance or where serious non-compliance is detected that creates significant biosecurity risk, then infringement notices and modified penalties may be applied.”

Mr Donaghy said areas that will be targeted during Operation Brand Aid include moving sheep or goats without the correct NLIS identification, owning or buying stock when not a registered stock owner, and not completing NVD waybills correctly.

“Penalties for these infringements range from $200 to $500.”