Mandatory genomic testing for Holstein bulls


Males will need to have their sample matched to both their sire and dam.

From July 1 there is a new registration requirement and associated fee that includes mandatory genomic testing and transfer for Holstein males.

The genomic testing of males and the subsequent parentage verification will further strengthen the integrity of the Australian Herdbook and provide members and non-members who use Registered Australian Holstein bulls for natural matings with greater confidence and certainty in the animal’s pedigree.

Additionally, the ability of both bull breeders and purchasers to identify the genetic merit of each animal and their progeny via a known breeding value will contribute to increased standing in the integrity of the Australia Holstein bull.

With every bull being parent verified using genomics, both breeders and purchasers will have an increased level of confidence in the bull’s pedigree.

Commencing from 1st July 2019 all males born from this date will require either a hair or tissue sample to accompany their registration submission, with Holstein Australia arranging a genomic test prior to finalising registration.

Males will need to have their sample matched to both their sire and dam. In the case where dams are not tested for genomics they need to be tested for parent verification.

The new fee for male registration inclusive of genomic testing, registration and transfer (if required at a later date) is $60 + GST. This represents a significant saving on the current pricing of each individual component and has been achieved with the support of our genomic service providers.