First cross ewe lambs in demand at $247


These first cross ewes from Gulargambone, NSW, sold for $247.

First cross ewe lambs sold to a top of $247, for an average of $197, down $12 on last week on AuctionsPlus.

The top price went to a line of September / October 2018 drop lambs, weighing 57kgs from Gulargambone, NSW.
Other highlights include March / April 2019 drop 34kg lambs from Trangie, NSW selling for $220.

Merino wether lambs sold to a top of $141, for an average of $112, down $2 on last week on AuctionsPlus.

The top price went to a line of Poll Merino lambs, April / May 2019 drop weighing 40kgs with a 2” skin from Pyap West, SA.
Other highlights include April/ May 2019 drop 40kg lambs from Coolah NSW selling for $140; April/ May 2019 drop 38kg lambs from Coomandook, SA selling for $136.
Grown Merino wethers sold to a top of $128, for an average of $118, down $10 on last week.
Other highlights include 14 to 15 months old, 46kg wethers from Deniliquin, NSW selling for $122; 2 year old 47kg wethers from Wollogorang, NSW selling for $120.
First cross ewe lambs sold to a top of $247, for an average of $197, down $12 on last week.
The top price went to a line of September / October 2018 drop lambs, weighing 57kgs from Gulargambone, NSW.
Other highlights include March / April 2019 drop 34kg lambs from Trangie, NSW selling for $220.
First cross hoggets sold to a top of $250, for an average of $233, down $20 on last week .
The top price went to a line 12 to 13 month old ewes, weighing 63kgs from Boorowa, NSW.
Other highlights include 13 to 15 month old 58kg hoggets from Dubbo, NSW selling for $246; and 12 to 13 month old 56kg hoggets from Trangie, NSW, selling for $236.
Ewes and lambs sold to a top of $372, for an average of $247, down $29 on last week.
The top price went to a line of first cross ewes aged 2 to 4 years old, weighing 66kgs, with Poll Dorset lambs at foot weighing 28kgs.
Another highlight includes 1.5 year old first cross ewes, with Poll Dorset lambs at foot from Cudal, NSW sold for $293.
At Jamestown a total of 13,678 head were interfaced from the total yarding of 24,000. 147 bidders connected onto the auction and participated on 28 lots. 14 lots sold online to 3 different buyers from both NSW and VIC.
Store lamb numbers totalled 15,696 head, down by 7,366 head on last week.
This increased buyer competition with store lambs hitting a clearance of 92%. Highlights include;
– April / May 2019, 41kg, 2ndX Poll Dorset mixed sex lambs from Tooraweenah, NSW sold for $164.50 or 402c
– April 2019 drop, 39kg, 2ndX Dorset mixed sex lambs from Ganmain, NSW sold for $164.50 or 418c
– June / July 2019 drop, 30kg, Border Leicester/ Merino mixed sex lambs from Tooraweenah, NSW sold for $148 or 498c
– June/ July 2019 drop, 31kg, White Suffolk / Merino lambs from Euroa, VIC sold for $150 or 482c