Unjoined Merino ewes lambs sell to $231 online


These young Merino ewes from West Wyalong sold for $216.

Demand for Merino ewe lambs was strong last week with the category returning a 92% clearance, and selling from $77 to $231, to average $162, up $26 on last week.
A line of Collinsville and Belbourie blood future breeder lambs weighing 54kgs, returned the top price. Merino ewe hoggets averaged $218, up $8 on last week, selling from $74 to $335.

From West Wyalong, NSW a line of NSM ewes, Jandon Park blood, 13-14 months old and weighing 53kgs returned $218 and will travel across the border to VIC.

Young merino breeders (2-4 years) sold from $143 to $238, averaging $201, $20 up on last week. From Coonalpyn, SA a line of NSM ewes, rising 3 years old and weighing 49kgs returned $185.

Proven Merino breeders (4+ years) sold from $100 to $218, averaging $160, $19 up on last week. From Nyngan, NSW a line of rising 4 year old, Mumblebone blood ewes returned $183. While a line of rising 4 year old, Springvale North blood scanned empty ewes weighing 68kgs in the Jamestown interfaced sale returned $212.

Merino wether lambs sold from $46 to $175, averaging $124, $11 up on last week. Returning the top price was a line of Maratala blood lambs weighing 49kgs, from Coomandook, SA.

Merino wethers averaged $112, $16 up on last week, and selling from $97 to $118. From Ararat, Vic a line of Goldlea blood 2 year old wethers, weighing 43kgs returned the top price.

First cross ewe lamb prices continue to jump, averaging $204, up $18 on last week, selling from $133 to $241. From Naracoorte, SA a line of Coolawang and Morton blood lambs, weighing 35kgs returned $227 and will travel across the border to VIC.

First Cross ewe hoggets sold from $158 to $261, to average $217, $22 up on last week. Returning the top price was a line of Vanita blood, 16-17 month scanned empty ewe hoggets, weighing 55kgs from Lochaber, SA. While from WA in the Riverbend sale yard interface sale a line of Riverbend blood, 12-18 month ewe hoggets, weighing 42kgs returned $202 and will travel 3,200km across the country to VIC.

Other highlights included a line of 1st cross White Suffolk/Poll Merino, Sep/Oct 18’ drop ewe lambs, weighing 58kgs from Forbes, NSW return $200.

From Tottenham, NSW a line of Dorper ewes SIL to Dorper rams, 1-3 years, and weighing 51kgs returned $186. While a line of 16-17 month future breeder Pure Dohne ewe hoggets from Hallett, SA weighing 51kgs returned $228.

Increased store lamb supply continues to see clearance soften slightly with an 80% clearance achieved across 30,432 head offered. Averaging 411c, up 8c on last week, prices ranged from 320c to 508c. Store lamb highlights include:

–          Jul/Aug ’19, 19kg 1st cross Border Leicester/Merino mixed sex store lambs from Nyngan, NSW sold for $148 or 508c live

–          Jul/Jul ’19, 23kg 1st cross Dorset Horn/Poll Merino mixed sex suckers from Arthurville, NSW sold for $111 or 493c live

–          Jul/Aug ’19, 21kg 1st cross White Suffolk/Merino mixed sex suckers from Wellington, NSW sold for $100.5 or 490c

–          May/Jun ’19, 44kg 2nd X Dorset mixed sex store lambs from Benalla, VIC sold for $170 or 412c live

–          Jun/Jul ’19, 27kg 2nd X Poll Dorset mixed sex suckers from Goondiwindi, QLD sold for $106.5 or 400c live

–          May/Jun ’19, 45kg 2nd X Merino/Dohne wether lambs from Tintinara, SA sold for 145 or 325c live
