Selling for an average of $209, an increase of $34, Merino ewe hoggets saw a price range from $85 to $282 on AuctionsPlus.
The top price was achieved by a line of 350 Pooginook blood hoggets, weighing 67kgs with a 2” skin from Grenfell, NSW.
Young Merino breeders (2-4 years) sold from $132 to $276, to average $191, up $8 on last week. A line of 230 Banavie blood ewes, weighing 64kgs with a 1” skin from Wallaloo East, VIC returned the top price.
While proven Merino breeders (4+ years) averaged $161, a drop of $1 on last and sold from $81 to $235.
The top price was again retuned by Wallaloo East, VIC; for a line of 205 rising 5 year old ewes weighing 65kgs with a 1” skin.
Merino ewe lambs sold from $100.50 to $191, to average $129, down $16 on last week on AuctionsPlus.
From Orange, NSW a line of 212 Kerin Poll blood future breeder ewe lambs weighing 48kgs with a 2” skin returned the top price.
Merino ewes with lambs at foot achieved an average of $231, selling from $127 to $310. From Holbrook, NSW a line of 304 Merino ewes & 331 lambs returned the top price.
These Mumblebone blood ewes are 2 years old and weigh 59kgs with a 1” skin on their backs. The Border Leicester sired LAF are 1-3 months old and weigh an average of 22kgs.
Merino wethers ranged from $53 to $162, and averaged $114, up $4 on last. The top price was returned by a line of 247 export wether hoggets from Fiery Flat, VIC.
These wethers are Woodpark Poll blood, 17-18 months and weigh 67kgs with a ½” skin.
While Merino wether lambs averaged $113, down $5 on last week and sold from $53 to $147. Returning the top price, was a line of 500 Glendemar blood suckers weighing 40kgs with a 2” skin which will head to Keith, SA.
The supply of first cross ewe lambs dropped by nearly 3,000 head, and prices dropped by $11 to see an average price of $182 returned, and results from $140 to $225.
The top price was returned by a line of 350 future breeder ewe lambs weighing 45kgs, offered in the ‘North South 1st Cross Progeny Sale’.
While in the National Lamb sale, a line of 72 ewe lambs weighing 36kgs from Naracoorte, SA achieved $179, selling to a Victorian buyer.
First cross ewe hoggets averaged $270 and sold from $180 to $318; while first cross ewes sold from $200 to $313 to average $254, up $14 on last week. From Stawell, VIC a line of 180 rising 2 year old ewes weighing 73kgs achieved $318.
Store lamb supply saw a 1,600 head increase to total 43,930 listed this week, with clearance dropping just under 80%.
Supply was dominated by NSW lambs, which totalled over 50% of the offering. Average prices also remained steady at 395c, with results from 326c to 465c achieved.
Highlights include:
– 25kg, 1st cross Border Leicester/Merino mixed sex lambs from WELLINGTON, NSW sold for $116 or 465c live
– 28kg, 2nd cross Border Leicester mixed sex lambs from TOMINGLEY, NSW sold for $128 or 452c live
– 29kg, 1st cross Merino/White Suffolk mixed sex lambs from WAGGA WAGGA, NSW sold for $130 or 448c live
– 29kg, 2nd cross Primeline mixed sex lambs from COWRA, NSW sold for $130 or 443c live
– 32kg, 1st cross Composite/Dorset mixed sex lambs from ORANGE, NSW sold for $135 or 420c live
– 35kg, 1st cross Merino/Poll Dorset mixed sex lambs from BAGSHOT, VIC sold for $146 or 410c live
– 35kg, 1st cross Primeline/South Suffolk mixed sex lambs from APSLEY, VIC sold for $138 or 393c live
– 42kg, 1st cross Composite/Poll Dorset wether lambs from ARARAT, VIC sold for $162 or 386c live
– 35kg, 2nd cross White Suffolk mixed sex lambs from EUGOWRA, NSW sold for $135 or 384c live
– 37kg, 2nd cross Border Leicester mixed sex lambs from KINGSCOTE, SA sold for $141 or 374c live