Bendigo Sheep Show cancelled

Bendigo-sheep-showUnfortunately the Australian Sheep Breeders Association has made the decision to cancel the 2020 Australian Sheep and Wool Show, which was to be held in Bendigo July 17-19.

President Rob McCartney said the Executive had hoped that the situation would improve but the last week has shown that any hope of a mass gathering in July this year would be impossible.

“The health and safety of our members, volunteers, exhibitors, sponsors, suppliers and visitors is paramount and we will now begin planning for the 2021 event,” he said.

“The cancellation will affect our stakeholders and also a large part of the Bendigo community as our event brings in millions of dollars into the Bendigo economy.

“We will be contacting everyone via email or telephone in the coming days to inform them of this decision and the impact for current and future arrangements.

“We are also in discussions with other parties investigating ways to support our stakeholders and promote their businesses and interests in these challenging times.

“We will continue to communicate with you on these initiatives as they unfold. Those members who have purchased membership for 2020 will have their membership carried over for next year. We urge any other members to renew their membership now and these will be for a two year period also.

“Our office is still manned and you can call us on (03) 5443 9902 or email should you have any questions.”