Ewes with lambs at foot (LAF) sold from $188 to $417, averaging $439, up $93 on last week on AuctionsPlus.
The top price was secured by a line of 2-year-old Border Leicester/Merino ewes (pictured) weighing 73kgs with 3-5-month-old LAF weighing 35kgs to White Suffolk rams. From Drung, VIC by A/c ‘Argyle Farm Trust’ these units will head to Horsham, VIC.
Merino ewe lambs sold from $173 to $214, up $15 to average $177.
From Temora, NSW offered by A/c ‘ME & TA Connolly’ a line of 9-10-month-old Bundilla blood future breeder ewe lambs weighing 59kgs secured the top price.
Merino ewe hoggets held firm on last week, correcting $2, to average $230. Selling from $185 to $270, the top price was returned by A/c ‘RR & A Hemsley’ at Girral, NSW with a line of 15-16-month-old Roseville Park blood future breeder ewe hoggets weighing 57kgs.
From Kimba, SA a line of 15-16-month-old Glendamar blood ewe hoggets weighing 51kgs offered by A/c ‘MR & KL Peters’ sold for $248.
Young Merino breeders (aged 2-4 years) sold from $190 to $201, averaging $193, up $17 on last week.
The top price was offered by A/c ‘Mallee Slopes Pastoral’ from Wynarka, SA with a line of 74kg 3-year-old NSM ewes with 2” skins.
Proven Merino breeders (aged 4+ years) sold from $125 to $220, averaging $161 easing $6.
From Moulamein, NSW A/c ‘Larnoo Nominees’ offered a line of 6-year-old NSM ewes who secured the top price. The 81kg ewes have Boonooke blood with ½” skins.
Merino wether lambs were in high demand achieving a 96% clearance rate, with 24,000 head selling from $81 to $141, averaging $110.
A run of 900 wether lambs achieved the top price from Wilcannia, NSW offered by A/c ‘Jeremy McClure’. With ½” skins, these 9-10-month-old wethers weigh 54kgs and will travel to Murray Bridge, SA.
Merino wethers sold from $115 to $124, averaging $118, with no change on last week. The top price was returned by a line of 55kg wethers from Yambuk, VIC offered by A/c ‘BP & ME Smith’. These 2-year-old wethers have Toland and Connewarren bloodlines and will travel to Hamilton, VIC.
First cross ewe lambs sold from $152 to $337 up $5 to average $267 and achieved an 88% clearance rate.
A line of 10-11-month-old NSM ewes weighing 50kgs with 1 and ½” skins achieved the top price from Euchareena, NSW offered by A/c ‘DF & BG Brazier’.
A decreased line of store lambs were on offer this week to total 8,982 head on the box. Despite the smaller offering, a 100% clearance rate was achieved. Highlights include:
– May/Jun ‘20 drop, 30kg, Merino/Poll Dorset mixed sex suckers from JUNEE, New South Wales sold for 448c or $133
– May/Jun ‘20 drop, 29kg, Merino/White Suffolk mixed sex suckers from VICTOR HARBOUR, South Australia sold for 414c or $120
– Apr/May ‘20 drop, 36kg, Border Leicester/Merino/Poll Dorset mixed sex suckers from WAGGA WAGGA, New South Wales sold for 405c or $147
– May/Jun ‘20 drop, 35kg, Merino/Charollais Composite mixed sex suckers from CULCAIRN, New South Wales sold for 372c or $129
– May/Jun ‘20 drop, 34kg, Poll Dorset/Poll Merino mixed sex suckers from KEITH, South Australia sold for 360c or $122
– Apr/May ‘20 drop, 35kg, Suffolk/Merino mixed sex suckers from CONCORDIA, South Australia sold for 337c or $118