Page House Shottle Noni awarded Holstein Cow of Year


She has 34 direct daughters with 14 out of 16 daughters classified: 2 EX; 10 VG; 2 GP.

Page House Shottle Noni EX92-4E, a 14 year old cow who is no stranger to winning her class at Australia’s biggest shows has been named the 2020 Holstein Australia Cow of the Year.

The announcement was made on Holstein Australia’s Facebook page this year, as Covid-19 prohibited any chance of hosting the Association’s annual awards dinner.

Owned by the Perrett family of Hill Valley Holsteins in Victoria, Page House Shottle Noni has an undeniable record in the ring taking out IDW Supreme Champion 2012, Intermediate Champion 2010 and shown four times at IDW with four first placings among her many awards.

“When we bought Noni, we specifically selected her because of her genetics; being the first in-milk daughter in Australia by a Shottle and she had a good ABV at the time. Never in our wildest dreams did we actually buy her to show” Roger said.

Cow of the Year nominations were judged by Holstein Australia’s Breed Development and Conformation Committee (BDCC) with additional guest judges; former Federal President David Johnston of Segenhoe Park Holsteins, Boorcan, VIC and Dale Bryce from Premier Genetics and Livestock Solutions Nowra NSW.

BDCC Chair Jenny Grey says “she’s a wonderful cow that displays type, production and wonderful progeny that’s going to follow her on afterwards. It is great to see a cow such as this rise to the top”.

Her best lactation was 12,642 litres with production ABV: BPI +123 HWI +68 TWI +148 ASI +115. She has 34 direct daughters with 14 out of 16 daughters classified: 2 EX; 10 VG; 2 GP.

She has 555 grand progeny with a total of 504 females: 112 classified; (1 EX; 30 VG; 71 GP;10 G) along with 721 great-grand progeny (658 females, 187 classified 20 VG, 144 GP, 23 G); 437 great-great-grand progeny and 20 great-great-great-grand progeny.

Over the years Page House Shottle Noni has attracted international interest and was a crowd favourite during her showing years.

Roger says “at home her ease of production, her ability of being flushed for embryos as well as calving every time for the following year’s show marked her out. Her progeny have achieved high classification and top production records in the herd with multiple pregnancies to come”.

The Perretts have also used Noni in an IVF program with 4 heifer calves born last month and has another 12 IVF calves due early in the New Year.

“Whatever we ask Noni to do, she has rewarded us with great show winning performance, production, classification and ABV ranked in the top 2% of cows in Australia” says Roger.

The Australian Cow of the Year award recognises all-round excellence in production, classification, breeding and overall contribution to the Australian Holstein breed.