Highlights this week saw two lines of Jul/Aug 20’ drop Australian White ewe lambs from Condobolin NSW, weighing 54kg and station mated to Australian White rams return $601/head.
From Trangie NSW, a line of 1.5-year-old Composite and Primeline/Composite ewes (pictured) weighing 60kg, station mated to White Suffolk rams with lambs-at-foot (aged 7-14 weeks), sired by Dorset rams, returned $392/head.
Merino ewe lambs averaged $211/head, selling from $81 to $245/head – down $20/head on last week.
From Black Rock SA, two lines of Jun/Jul 20’ drop Mernowie and Glenville blood future breeder ewe lambs, weighing 40kg with a 5mm skin returned the top price. From Wycheproof VIC, a line of Jun/Jul 20’ drop Kolindale blood ewe lambs weighing 42kg with a 20mm skin returned $212/head, and are headed north into NSW.
Merino ewe hoggets sold from $194 to $295/head, averaging $257/head – down $4/head on the previous week.
The top price was returned by a line of 17-18-month-old Lewisdale blood hoggets, weighing 50kg with a 43mm skin, scanned-in-lamb (SIL) to White Suffolk Rams.
Young Merino breeders (2-4 years) averaged $253/head, selling from $190 to $315/head – down $16/head.
From Arno Bay SA, a line of rising 3-year-old Morley blood ewes, weighing 91kg with a 58mm skin, SIL to Poll Merino Rams, returned the top price.
Proven Merino breeders (4+ years) sold from $197 to $300/head, averaging $256/head – up $39 from the previous week.
The top price was returned by a line of 2.5–5.5-year-old Barooga blood ewes from Tamworth NSW, weighing 70kgs with a 30mm skin, SIL to Poll Dorset and White Suffolk Rams.
Merino wether lambs averaged $133/head, selling from $102 to $183/head. From Quambatook VIC, a line of Ninuenook blood Apr/May 20’ drop, trade wether lambs weighing 50kg with a 19mm skin, returned the top price.
From Brocklesby NSW, a line of Jun/Jul 20’ drop Bulgandri and Meadow blood wether lambs returned $145/head, and are headed south to Victoria.
Merino wethers sold from $126 to $259/head, averaging $212/head and up $47/head on last week. From Brewarrina NSW, a line of 5-year-old Bundy blood export wethers, weighing 86kg with a 76mm skin returned the top price.
First cross ewe lambs sold from $270 to $300/head, averaging $281/head – down $6/head. The top price was returned by a line of Apr/May 20’ drop Border Leicester/Merino future breeder ewe lambs, which weighed 57kg.
First cross breeders sold from $223 to $279/head, averaging $245/head. From Mullion Creek NSW, a line of 5-6-year-old Border Leicester/Merino NSM ewes weighing 75kg returned the top price. Additionally, a line of 15-17-month-old Border Leicester/Merino ewes from Walcha NSW, weighing 52kg, returned $279/head.
Tasmania had a total offering of 2,166 head this week, down 634 head on last week. Returning the top price for the sale was a line of Sep/Oct 20’ drop 2nd cross Coopworth mixed sex store lambs from Dunalley, weighing 42kg, which sold for $165/head. Other highlights included a line of Sep/Oct 20’ drop Coopworth future breeder ewe lambs weighing 32kg, selling for $147/head.
A total of 24,176 store lambs were offered last week, down 5,969 head. The smaller offering saw increased demand across the category, with a 95% clearance achieved. Prices ranged from 329c to 576c, averaging 436c/kg – down 11c from the previous week.
– Oct/Nov 20’ drop, 28kg, Dorset x Border Leicester/Merino mixed sex store lambs from Walcha NSW, sold for $152/head, or 576c/kg.
– Sep/Oct 20’ drop, 36kg, Charolais/Composite and Poll Dorset/Composite wether lambs from Mullengandra NSW, sold for $165.5/head, or 466c/kg.
– Jul/Sep 20’ drop, 36kg, Australia White x Australian White/White Dorper wether lambs from Isisford QLD, sold for $158/head, or 439c/kg.
– Jun/Jul 20’ drop, 39kg, White Suffolk/Composite store wether lambs from Dunkeld VIC, sold for $160.5/head, or 409c/kg.
– Jul/Aug 20’ drop, 42kg, 2nd X Composite mixed sex lambs from Parndana SA, sold for $165/head, or 393c/kg.
– Jul/Aug 20’ drop, 51kg, 2nd X Poll Dorset/Composite mixed sex store lambs from Willaura North VIC, sold for $194/head, or 383c/kg.