The 24th Annual Roma Droughtmaster Bull Sale was considered a major success by vendors.
This was reflected in the prices and clearance rate with 88 bulls sold (79 in 2019) averaging $8,045 ($6,379 in 2019) with a clearance rate of 95 percent (77 percent in 2019).
Vendors are to be congratulated on the quality of bulls on offer and this was reflected by a widespread buying bench which came from as far away as McKinlay, Julia Creek, Cloncurry, Longreach, Charleville, Yuleba, Mitchell and parts of New South Wales. There was also a strong local contingent as well. Roger and Jenny Underwood of Eversleigh & Wallace Vale sold the top priced bull, Wallace Vale Jalapeno for $36,000.
“Recent rainfall in far western areas along with a positive seasonal outlook and a strong cattle market have also had a major impact on the exceptional results experienced during this year’s bull sale season,” general manager Simon Gleeson said.