First cross ewe lambs jump $26 to average $276


These first cross ewe lambs from Wagga made $300.

One lamb price category to register an increase in supply last  week was Merino wethers, with an additional 12% offered – with the average price slipping $14/head, to $134/head.

In contrast, a 31% decline in the number of first cross ewe lambs offered, at 5,904 head, had the price jumping $26/head on last week, averaging $276/head.

Merino ewe lambs averaged the week down $35/head, at $174/head, while 2,874 crossbred lambs finished the week back slightly, at $174/head.

The 20% decline in the number of SIL Merino ewes offered online this week failed to help support prices, with the average price slipping $30/head, to $239/head.  Interestingly, the clearance rate for reported SIL categories continues to be well below many of the other lines, despite the clear desire for suitable breeding lines.

The 62% and 59% clearance rate this week for SIL Merino ewes and first cross ewes, respectively, points to sellers holding firm on the value they have placed upon these lines, as buyers remain hesitant to dig deeper into their pockets.

NSM Merino ewes finished the week $3/head higher, averaging $232/head, with almost an additional 1,000 head offered.
