Crossbred lambs and shedding breed lambs saw a large influx of listings, with 10,729 head and 3,203 head offered, respectively.
Despite the increased supply, prices for shedding breeds reported a $53/head increase, to average $288/head.
Crossbred lamb prices fell in value by $7/head, to average $167/head, remaining relatively firm after a surge in listings, up 273% on last week.
Merino lamb categories registered minimal price increases, firming up from the previous week. Merino wether lambs were in high demand with prices increasing $10/head, to average $144/head.
The offering was slightly down from the previous week, totaling 12,527 head, while clearance was significantly stronger at 91%. Merino ewe lambs rose $3/head, to average $177/head.
SIL Merino ewes reported a drop in supply, with just over 16,000 head offered – registering a 73% clearance rate. The category averaged $246/head, as the demand for joined ewes remains strong coming into autumn.
NSM Merino ewe categories fell in value, as did supply, with both Merino ewe and Merino ewe hoggets reducing by roughly 50% on last week’s numbers.
Prices fell $53/head for hoggets, all though demand was strong with the entire offering finding a buyer. Merino ewes also showcased strong demand a result of the smaller offering, with a 71% clearance achieved – as prices fell by $21/head, to average $211/head.