Australian White ewe lambs in demand at $449


From Forbes NSW, 174 future breeder ewe lambs, 100% Australian Whites, averaged $449/head, or an equivalent of 2,117c/kg dressed.

After the previous week’s higher market, prices movements last week were varied, with falls for the largest lines of Merino wether and crossbred lambs, while SIL first cross ewes averaged $52/head higher.

A greatly reduced offering of first cross ewe lambs, at 3,275 head, finished the week $4 higher, averaging $233/head – with an 83% clearance rate.

In contrast, Merino ewe lambs slipped $36, to average $180/head, with a lower clearance rate at 66% for the 2,520 head offered.

Out of Muttaburra, Western Queensland, 432 Merino wether lambs, Sept-Oct 2020 drop, weighing 26.5kg liveweight, sold to $120/head, or an equivalent of 1,250c/kg dressed. Comparatively, 720 Merino store wether lambs, out of Nyngan NSW, averaging 30.7kg liveweight and Oct-Nov 2020 drop averaged $145/head, or 1,146c/kg dressed.

This week again saw an excellent result for a large line of Australian White lambs offered through AuctionsPlus.

From Forbes NSW, 174 future breeder ewe lambs, 100% Australian Whites, averaged $449/head, or an equivalent of 2,117c/kg dressed.

The 174 lambs averaged 43.7kg liveweight and were Jul–Aug 2020 drop. Additionally, 180 future breeder white dorper ewe lambs averaged $220/head, or 1151.8c/kg dressed.

The consistent line of white dorper originated out of Clear Lake, South West Victoria, were Aug–Sep 2020 drop and averaged 37.9kg liveweight.

Across the ewe categories, demand remain firm this week, with supplies remaining tight. In NSW, 198 SIL Border Leicester/Merino ewes sold to $380/head.

These ewes out of Wagga were 4-6 years old and averaged 70kg liveweight. Across the border, from Rochester, Victoria, 213 SIL Merino ewes, averaging 55kg liveweight, sold to $300/head.

From Yorke Peninsula, SA, 74 SIL Poll Merino ewes, averaging 60.5kg liveweight and 22-23 months old, sold to $220/head – or an equivalent 928.3c/kg dressed.
