With the first substantial rain since late March forecast for next week, restocker demand may rebound, with confidence also boosted by this week’s favorable three-month rainfall outlook from the Bureau of Meteorology.
Across the main lamb categories this week, the largest offerings were for Merino wether lambs, with an 84% clearance rate for the 14,843 head offered.
Merino wether lambs edged $1 higher on last week, to $145/head. The only other lamb category to increase was for crossbred lambs, up $8, to average $166/head – with a 70% clearance rate for the 4,894 head offered.
First cross ewe lambs declined $8 this week, to average $242/head, while Merino ewe lambs and shedding breeds declined $29 and $79 on last week, to average $170 and $242/head, respectively.
For the sheep categories, prices were mostly cheaper, with all the joined ewe prices averaging lower on the previous week. SIL Merino ewes averaged $6 cheaper, at $252/head, with a 67% clearance rate for the 10,384 head offered.
Like the NSM Merino ewe category, the clearance rate for SIL first cross ewes was well back on the previous week, at only 26% for the 4,079 head presented – averaging $2 lower for the week, at $309/head.
SM Merino ewes averaged $25 cheaper, at $196/head, with a 48% clearance rate for the 3,279 head offered.
An indicative line of 268 SM Merino ewes, out of Central West NSW, averaging 62kg liveweight and 5-6-years-old sold to $204/head – equating to 741.8c/kg dressed.