The robust demand for shedding breeds continues to foster a high clearance rate, at 92% for the 1,451 head offered.
Shedding lambs averaged $41 higher this week, at $261/head – boosted by two excellent lines of Australian White future breeder ewe lambs, with two 100 head lots selling for $456 & $455/head, respectively.
Last week’s decline for Merino ewe lambs erased all the previous weeks $38/head gain, with the fall demand related, given only 1,756 head were offered this week, at a 60% clearance rate, compared to 4,915 head last week, at 72%.
Declines for the week were also registered for a slightly larger offering of Merino wether lambs, averaging $11 lower, at $137/head – with an 81% clearance rate for the 13,731 head offered.
The 4,458 crossbred lambs offered this week sold to a 71% clearance rate – averaging $159/head, down $3 on last week.
Higher lamb prices for the week were registered for first cross ewe lambs, up $23 on last week, to $221/head – with a subdued 53% clearance rate for the 3,305 head offered.
The robust demand for shedding breeds continues to foster a very high clearance rate, at 92% for the 1,451 head offered.
Similarly, NSM Merino ewes jumped $54 on last week, to average $243/head, while the composite/other category jumped $26, to $286/head – with a 51% clearance rate for the 5,281 offered.
The two SIL ewe categories moved in opposite directions this week, with SIL Merino ewes slipping back $13, to average $232/head – with clearance rates at 53% for the 4,727 head offered.
In contrast, SIL first cross ewes increased $20 this week, to average $323/head, boosted by increased buyer demand, with the clearance rate hitting 50% for the 5,593 head offered.