Wool growers to take ownership of on-farm biosecurity


AHA will share relevant content, with a focus on endemic disease prevention and on-farm biosecurity practices and encourage producers to ask questions and engage with other members of the group.

A new Facebook group has been established by Animal Health Australia (AHA) to provide greater engagement with sheepmeat and wool growers on biosecurity and animal health issues.

Creating the “The Flock Round-up” group is part of a broader engagement strategy being delivered out of the National Sheep Industry Biosecurity Strategy 2019-2024 (NSIBS).

NSIBS was developed by Sheep Producers Australia (SPA) and WoolProducers Australia (WPA) to ensure the sheep industry remains stable and secure into the future, by encouraging sheepmeat and wool growers to take ownership of their own on-farm biosecurity measures and recognise the important role they play.

Access to relevant and timely information is a key part of helping to protect the sheepmeat and wool industries from endemic and exotic disease incursion and spread.

“Facebook is part of many people’s daily lives, and we have seen an increase in the number of producers using the platform to access relevant industry information,” said AHA’s Extension Manager, Emily Buddle.

AHA will share relevant content, with a focus on endemic disease prevention and on-farm biosecurity practices and encourage producers to ask questions and engage with other members of the group.

“A Facebook group is an ideal place for producers to access information and share their own experiences when it comes to animal health and biosecurity” Emily said.

“The team at AHA will be on the other end of the line to help answer any specific questions that may arise.” AHA, SPA and WPA encourage all those involved in the sheepmeat and wool industry to join the “The Flock

Round-up” community. The group can be found at www.facebook.com/groups/theflockroundup