For the young heifers, prices averaged higher for the two largest heifer categories, with the 200-280kg liveweight portion of the market jumping $104 on last week, to average $1,416/head – with an 88% clearance rate for the 1,241 head offered.
Similarly, the 280-330kg category jumped $178, to average $1,752/head – boosted by fierce bidding for 180 unweaned Angus heifers, which sold to $2,520/head.
All out of the same vendor (with more in other weight categories) from Tenterfield, NSW, the 180 heifers were 8-12 months of age, EU accredited and interestingly, spread across five separate bidding lots, ranging from 31 to 42 head, and from a lot average of 297.9kg to 327.7kg liveweight.
In contrast for the high clearance rates for the young cattle, PTIC heifers only registered 42% clearance this week, for the 1,139 head offered, with the average price slipping back $43, to $2,358/head.
Demand for the lighter lines of steers remained firm last week, with clearance rates robust across all five categories.
While several lines of dairy steers influenced a significant fall in the lightest steer category, the heaviest populated category of 200-280kg liveweight steers averaged $1,467/head for the week – down $47 on last week for the 2,161 head offered.
However, with overall breeding numbers back considerably, competition for quality breeding lines continues unabated, with several offerings receiving excellent returns this week.
Out of Holbrook in Southern NSW, an excellent line of 29 PTIC Angus heifers, averaging 477.9kg liveweight and 22-23 months of age, sold to $2,830/head – or an equivalent of 1110.2c/kg dressed. Further south, from Howes Creek, Victoria, a line of 60 Angus PTIC cows, joined to a Shorthorn bull, sold to $2,850/head. Ranging from 4.6-5.6 years of age, the cows averaged 568.6kg liveweight.
Ticking all the possible boxes for quick herd rebuilding, an indicative line of 36 PTIC Hereford cows with 36 CAF sold to $3,000/head – averaging 586.6kg liveweight and ranging from 6-11-years-of-age.