More rain through key regions helped to top up the frothing demand for young cattle, especially for the online heifer categories, as the increasingly wet winter in many southern regions has producers looking forward to spring.
Clearance rates through the young cattle lines were exceptional, exceeding 90% for half of the indicative categories.
At the heaviest end of the steer market, a line of 43 Santa Gertrudis feeder steers, out of Hungerford in western NSW, sold to $2,410/head – averaging 477/kg liveweight and between 12-19 month of age.
Mid-weight steers, 280-330kg averaged slightly lower this week, averaging $1,634, while 330-400kg segment jumped $45, to $1,834/head.
In the north this week, a line of 120 weaned Angus/Droughtmaster steers out of Isisford, 6-9 months old and averaging 239.1kg liveweight, sold to $1,510/head – equating to 1,239c/kg cwt.
This line attracted plenty of bidder attention, boosted by the combination of size of the lot and plenty of potential weight gain.
Similarly, a line of 40 unweaned Angus steers, out of the NSW Northern Tablelands, sold to $1,455/head – averaging 206.5/kg liveweight and between 6-8 months of age.
Influenced by some exceptional lines of cattle, including a big result for eight heifers out of Tasmania, the two heaviest heifer categories jumped $13 and $116 on last week – with impressive clearance rates of 98% and 100%, respectively.
While the young cattle market grabs the headlines, demand for suitable breeding cattle remains very strong, especially for renown lines of PTIC heifers and cows.
The online average for PTIC heifers dipped $113 this week, to average $2,245/head – with the 42% clearance rate for the 2,407 head offered indicating some very selective buying. The online PTIC cow market slipped $129 this week, averaging $2,356/head – with a 79% clearance rate for the 1,946 head offered.
In the north, a line 62 SM cows with 62 CAF, sold to $3,000/unit. Out of Quilpie, the Brangus SM cows averaged 501kg liveweight and ranged in age from 4-9 years. From Charters Towers, 70 NSM Red Poll cows, with 70 CAF, sold to $2,400/head – averaging 379.5kg liveweight and 3-4 years of age.
From southern NSW, an excellent line of 46 PTIC Bongongo Angus heifers out of Cootamundra, averaging 468.1kg liveweight and 21-22 months old, sold to $3,010/head – or the equivalent of 1,469.7c/kg cwt.