Crossbred lambs and first cross ewe lambs continued to be in high demand, noting $10 and $17/head increases.
Shedding breed lambs observed the highest increase for the week, averaging $259/head for the 1,604 offered – increasing $55 on last week, with an 88% clearance rate.
The joined ewe offering eased, with only 17,609 head listed. The reduced supply was met with softer demand, with clearance rates averaging 53% across the relevant categories.
With seasonal conditions very good across many states, producers appear to have seized the opportunity to be selective on when to hold and sell breeding stock.
SIL Merino ewes fell again this week, slipping $7, to average at $243/head for the 5,465 head offered. SIL first cross ewes and composite/other breed articles recorded a positive change, up $19 and $91/head, respectively.
SIL shedding breed ewes recorded a consecutive week-on-week rise, averaging at $420 – boosted again by a line of Aussie White cross ewes in Armidale receiving $496/head.
SM ewes registered lower offerings this week, with two-out-of-three categories declining in price. SM Merino ewes registered a $62 fall, to average at $153/head – with a low clearance rate of 38%.
Similarly, SM shedding breeds recorded a sharp decrease of $197, to average at $314/head – however they did achieve a 94% clearance rate.
NSM lines experienced a further fall in prices, with only two lots of merino hogget and shedding breed ewes registering sales.