First cross ewe lambs and crossbred ewe lambs both fell in value, registering $13 and $4/head declines, respectively.
Composite and other breed lambs were the only category to display upwards movement, with a $32/head increase on last week, to average $214/head for the 1,953 head offered.
The joined ewe offering remained steady this week, with 17,830 head listed. While prices across four-out-of-seven indicative categories slipped, there was a lift in average clearance rates, to 76%, compared to the 53% registered in the previous week.
SIL Merino ewes recorded a $1 increase, to average $244/head for the 7,158 head listed.
SIL composite and other breed joined ewes registered a contraction in listings, with a 2,622 head drop on last week, to total 2,602 head.
While recording an average of $302/head, down $38 on last week, buyers remained very active, with a 95% clearance rate achieved.
The top price for this category was a lot of 29 Poll Dorset SIL ewes, finishing at $505/head. This lot were joined to Poll Dorset stud rams and located in Marulan, NSW.
NSM lines saw a substantial jump in numbers, with 4,108 head listed. Merino hogget ewes registered a $23 boost, to average $234/head – achieving 100% clearance across the 823 head offered.