Wagyu/Angus weaners make 1031c/kg live or 2020c/kg CWT

Wagyuangus-rollestonA line of 120 mixed sex backgrounders, out of Rolleston, central Queensland, sold to $1,990/head – or an equivalent of 2,020.3c/kg cwt.

The Wagyu/Angus cross line, from Westholme and Brookston Wagyu bloodlines, averaged 193kg live weight (pictured), ranged from 8-11 months of age, with 72 steers and 48 heifers.

With another large offering of lighter steers, the 200-280kg liveweight category lost $8 of last week’s $31 gain, averaging $1,559/head.

The 2,355 head offered for the category was 11% higher than last week, with a 98% clearance rate for the week.

Offerings were also 8% higher for the heavier 280-330kg category this week, with the 1,660 head selling to an 89% clearance rate and averaging $56 higher, at $1,791/head.

A limited supply of 400kg+ steers, at 559 head, sold to an 80% clearance rate, with prices averaging $46 lower, at $2,295/head.

From the feeder lines, 76 weaned Angus steers out of Junee, NSW, averaging 430kg, sold to 586.7c/kg liveweight.

For the heifer lines, the largest offering this week was through the 200-280kg category, with the 1,723 head offered down 30% on last week.

The reduced numbers failed to halt a price decline, with 200-280 heifers averaging $14 lower on last week, at $1,483/head.

The 330-400kg heifers averaged $53 higher on last week, at $2,077, while the 733 head of below 200kg liveweight heifers sold to a 100% clearance rate, averaging $1,118/head.

Lower numbers failed to halt a $111 decline in the PTIC category this week, averaging $2,483/head.

Since the rebuilding emphasis took over the market, the weekly movement in this category has been much closer aligned to the bloodlines and target marketing on a week-to-week basis, as opposed to overall supplies. With a similar alignment to bloodlines, PTIC cows averaged $141 higher, to $2,510/head.
