New season lambs jumped considerably last week, with a total of 87,603 listed.
Mixed results were achieved across the six categories, with Merino ewe, wether, and first cross ewe lamb categories averaging higher, while prices in crossbred, shedding breed and composite lamb categories registered price reductions.
Merino wether lambs made up 54% of the total lamb offering this week, as the category registered a 107% rise from the previous week, at 47,525 head.
The lift in numbers was driven primarily by NSW producers who listed 78% of the category, with 54% of wethers sold travelling interstate to Victoria.
Despite the massive jump in wether lamb listings this week, demand remained robust, as the category registered a 92% clearance rate and prices increased by $4/head, to average $146/head.
Merino ewe lambs recorded the largest price increase across the lamb categories, with prices averaging $49/head higher, at $259/head. The category registered 100% clearance across the 2,475 head listed online.
Joined ewe categories also recorded mixed results this week. SIL Merino ewe listings increased by 33% from last week, to total 3,363 head.
The category registered a higher weekly clearance of 88%, with prices averaging $51/head lower, at $220/head.
SIL shedding breed ewes recorded a $91/head increase this week, with the category averaging $689/head. From Cunnamulla Queensland, two even lines of 1.5-year-old SIL Australian White ewes weighing 62kgs returned $1,135 and $1,130/head, respectively.
NSM Merino ewe hogget listings increased by 65% this week, to total 5,828 head. Despite a reduced clearance of 66%, the category averaged $9 dearer than last week, at $260/head.
Two lines of Merino ewe hoggets from Northampton and Badgingarra, Western Australia, returned $260 and $255/head, respectively.
The two lots with a combined total of 835 head will travel across the Nullaboor, to Whycheproof, Victoria.