Superfine merino bales make top price of 3503c/kg clean


With the spring stud selling season starting to slow down, looking back it is clear to see that Merino sires are still in high demand, as well as other breeds such as Dohnes achieving high prices as well, indicating confidence in the wool industry moving forward.

The AuctionsPlus online offer board leapt ahead for October, with a total of 2,760 bales sold for the month.

This increase of 146% comes off the back of some large changes in the AWEX Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) throughout the month, with the EMI rising 46c/kg in the selling week ending on the 21st of October, and then falling the following week by 46c/kg.

Once again there was a range of different micron bales sold, ranging from 15.4µ micron to 29.9µ micron.

The offer board saw its strongest week starting from Friday 15th through to Thursday 21st, in which 1,533 bales were sold.

The 20µ micron bales were in the highest demand on the offer board this month, with a total of 765 bales sold, followed by 19µ micron bales and 18µ micron bales selling 571 and 467 bales, respectively.

The top priced 20µ micron lot sold for 1,025c/kg greasy, or 1,387c/kg clean. The top priced lot for the month was 2 bales of “CRESSBROOK” branded 15.5µ micron wool offered by Nutrien Ag Solutions – NSW.

This lot had 0.7% vegetable matter, was 80mm in length, and sold for a 2,655c/kg greasy, or 3,503c/kg clean.

With the spring stud selling season starting to slow down, looking back it is clear to see that Merino sires are still in high demand, as well as other breeds such as Dohnes achieving high prices as well, indicating confidence in the wool industry moving forward.
