Robust demand for crossbred lambs results in prices averaging $155


These crossbred lambs averaging 28.5kg and from Walcha, NSW, made $140.

Crossbred lambs accounted for 25% of total numbers this week, with 20,953 head offered – with robust demand underpinning a 92% clearance rate. Prices ranged from $90-$205/head, to average $155/head, down $2 from last week.

Southwest Victoria offered a large proportion of the category, with a highlight including 1,440 head of Poll Dorset/Border Leicester/Merino mixed sex store lambs from Timboon, Victoria. Offered across three even lines, the Aug/Sep ’21 drop lambs, averaging 44.9kg liveweight, returned $183 and $184/head.

Merino wether lambs had a proportionally smaller offering this week, with a total of 7,082 head, or 8% of the catalogue. While the smaller offering contributed to the 100% clearance rate, prices for the category slipped back $13 from last week, to average $134/head.

Composite/other breed lambs had a total offering of 13,070 head, with a clearance rate of 76%, as buyers reportedly sought out quality lines with solid frames for weight gain. Prices increased by $15 from last week, to average $185/head.

First cross ewe lambs had a total offering of 8,031 head for the week, with prices ranging between $135-$381/head, to average $242/head – up $40 on last week. A highlight for the category included 300 future breeder Border Leicester/Merino lambs from Boorowa, NSW, which returned $352/head – selling for $50 over their reserve price. The hotly contested Apr/May drop ewes were October shorn and weighed 54.4kg lwt.

A small contingent of joined ewes were offered online this week. A total of 2,002 head of station mated shedding breed ewes, which returned a 91% clearance rate, averaged $303/head. Scanned in lamb Merino ewes had a total of 1,962 head listed and returned a 100% clearance. The category averaged $272/head – back $3 from last week. A highlight included a line of 300 Pooginook blood maiden ewes from Gilgandra, NSW, which returned $361/head. Joined to Border Leicester rams, the ewes were aged 19-20 months and averaged 66.4kg liveweight.

Unjoined ewe categories accounted for 26% of the catalogue this week. Non-Station mated Merino ewes had a total of 7,249 head offered this week, which averaged $35 higher at $213/head, with the category returning an 83% clearance rate.

Unjoined Merino ewe hoggets had a total of 3,926 head offered, with the category averaging $280/head. A quality offering of 445 Poll Merino ewes from Young, NSW, which consisted of Bundilla bloodlines returned $430/head. Making $50 above reserve, the maiden ewes were October shorn and averaged 59.6kg lwt.
