Murribrook Octane Candace, VG 87,
The Murribrook Dispersal Sale went off without a hitch despite flooding with breeders from all parts of NSW, Victoria and South Australia were keen to secure the outstanding milking cows and in calf heifers on offer.
Sale top of $21,000 came early when lot 3, Murribrook Octane Candace, VG 87, PI of 128 on her 1st lactation and due to sexed Delta Lambda sold to Eclipse Genetics of Warrnambool.
This tremendous young cow was one of 4 daughters of former IDW Championship winner Murribrook Goldwyn Candace, EX 93 to sell that included Murribrook Sidekick Candace a heifer due in June to Lambda at $14,000 selling to Gorbro Holsteins of Cohuna, Vic and Murribrook Doorman Clarity recently classified VG 86 at 2 years selling to Corra Lea Holsteins of Kerang, Vic for $12,000.
Second top lot at $15,000 was the exceptional in calf heifer Murribrook Kingdoc Tambourine a daughter of a former Sydney Royal Junior Champion from the famed Toni Family, she was purchased by Eloora Past Co of Deniliquin, NSW.
Well known Victorian breeders Gorbro Holsteins selected several of the top lots in addition to the Candace heifer earlier mentioned, they included Murribrook Diamond Cabernet, VG 89 backed by EX 96 & 95 point cows at $13,000, Murribrook Solomon Tabby, VG 87 on 1st lact and due to sexed Chief at $10,000, Murribrook Sidekick Rose recently scored VG at 2 years at $9,500 and Murribrook Doorman Lynley, VG 87 at $9,000.
View Fort Holsteins of Tarwin, Vic selected the outstanding heifer Murribrook Sidekick Lyster sold due to sexed embryo from the great breeding cow Durham Lynley at $12,000 and Murribrook Meridian Roxette, VG 88, completing 10 gens of EX & VG from the famous Roxy family at $9,000.
Daniel Latham of Comboyne, NSW selected a tremendous heifer due in May to Genie in Murribrook Doorman Candy at $11,500.
Peter Fullerton of Niranda, Vic selected Murribrook Doorman Lexi, VG 87 at $11,000.
Other sales of note included Murribrook Kingdoc Candace, VG on 1st lact at $10,000 selling to Somerelle Holsteins of Timmering, Vic.
Murribrook Unix Vanity a daughter of the well known Goldwyn Verbena, EX 93 at $10,000 to Corra Lea Holsteins, Vic.
Murribrook Meridian Lynley, VG 87 a great uddered young cow at $10,000 to Robsvue Holsteins, Myponga, SA.
Also at $10,000 was Murribrook Solomon Chrissy recently scored VG 88 on her 2nd lact selling to return buyers Nundah Past. Co of Singleton, NSW. These buyers selected many other lots including Murribrook Solomon Rio a 10th gen EX & VG young cow at $8,000.
Of the 113 lots sold 70 were purchased via the Elite Online platform by Breeders from throughout three States.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following – 113 Holsteins gross $700,000 and Av $6,195