Summit Treasury takes supreme at Limousin National Show and Sale


Senior & Grand Champion Bull AND Supreme Exhibit of the Show: Summit Treasury R18, Summit Livestock.

Senior Champion Bull, Grand Champion Bull and Supreme Exhibit was Summit Treasury R18 at the Limousin National Show and Sale at the Holbrook showgrounds.

The Holbrook show committee had received funding from the Australian Government’s Agricultural Shows grants program to upgrade facilities, and Chair of the LNSS committee Garry Hedger had undertaken a huge amount of work to get the sheds, washbays, show arena and sale ring ready in time.
Feedback from vendors was very positive with the cattle happy in the sheds, and all enjoyed the relaxed feel of the venue.
The annual dinner was well attended and the Limousin youth auction provided some fun and some funds for the youth travel scholarship.
There was a smaller number of entries this year, probably due to uncertainty after the Covid years and about the new venue, but the quality was outstanding.
The show was judged by Glenn Trout assisted by Thomas Febey and results were as follows:

Class 1: heifers under 13 months
1st Summit Light-Ice S14 exhibited by Hayden and Jasmine Green
2nd Summit Cauliflower S23 exhibited by Hayden and Jasmine Green
3rd Mistletoe Sunbeam exhibited by Denis and Pam O’Connor

Class 2: heifers 14- 16 months
1st Warrigal Foxy Lady S1 exhibited by Paul and Janelle Relf
2nd Morrisvale Shadow of the Night exhibited by James and Casey Morris
3rd Aradale Shimmer and Shine exhibited by the Maher family

Class 3: heifers 17-20 months
1st Raydon Park Roxie exhibited by R & D Lawrence partnership
2nd Summit Exotic R82 exhibited by Hayden and Jasmine Green
3rd Tanybryn Park Rememberance exhibited by Helen and Colin Masters

Junior Champion Female: Summit Light-Ice S14
Reserve Junior Champion Female: Raydon Park Roxie

Class 3: Senior Females
1st and Senior Champion Female: Tanybryn Park Phoebe exhibited by Helen and Colin Masters
2nd and Reserve Senior Champion Female: Goldstein Park Real Harmony exhibited by Craig and Tamara Corby

Grand Champion Female: Summit Light-Ice S14

Class 5: yearling bulls
1st Morrisvale Slightly Single exhibited by James and Casey Morris

Class 6: bulls 19-20 months
1st Raydon Park Ranger exhibited by R & D Lawrence partnership
2nd Goldstein Park Real Deal R25 exhibited by Craig and Tamara Corby
3rd Mandayen Prototype R110 exhibited by Ryan and Rachel Relf

Junior Champion Bull: Raydon Park Ranger
Reserve Junior Champion Bull: Morrisvale Slightly Single

Class 7 bulls 21-22 months
1st Summit Commission R32 exhibited by Hayden and Jasmine Green
2nd Warrigal Remington R8 exhibited by Paul and Janelle Relf
3rd Garren Park Roosevelt exhibited by  GR and KA Hedger

Class 8 bulls 23-24 months
1st Summit Treasury R18 exhibited by Hayden and Jasmine Green
2nd Garren Park Rumpus exhibited by  GR and KA Hedger
3rd Macorna Ring the Bell R844 exhibited by A and M Van der Drift

Class 9 bulls over 2 years
1st: Balamara Rare Gem Stone exhibited by Michael Mamo
2nd Garren Park Rommel exhibited by GR and KA Hedger
3rd Garren Park Rolex exhibited by GR and KA Hedger

Senior Champion Bull, Grand Champion Bull and Supreme Exhibit:  Summit Treasury R18
Reserve Senior Champion Bull: Balamara Rare Gem Stone

All animals exhibited were sold through the ring on the Friday, interfaced with Auctions Plus.  The following results were achieved:

18/18 bulls sold to $20,000, Lot 2. Reserve Senior Champion bull, Balamara Rare Gem Stone R6, Balamara Limousin/Angus Studs & Blackmagic Limflex Stud to Aruma Limousin) & av. $9376.

18/20 females sold to $10,000 (Lot 44. Junior Champion Female, Summit Light-Ice S14, Summit Livestock to Kia Ora Limousins) & av. $6429.

The Summit Livestock Pick of the Spring Calf Crop sold for $12,000 to LAS Limousins, Golspie NSW.

7/8 embryo packages sold to $1600/embryo (Lot 54. 6x IMUPH238 x SJMPH2, Mystic RidgeLimousins & Starrs Limousins to Crimson Park Livestock) & av. $958/embryo.

-Limousin Australia