The Hore family with Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 11, 2021 Cow of the Year
It is time to nominate for one of Holstein Australia’s most prestigious animal awards, the Australian Cow of the Year for 2022.
So what type of animal makes a good Cow of the Year candidate?
If you can think of a cow in your herd that is highly classified, produces a lot of milk, has good family connections and generally epitomises all that is good and wonderful about black and whites or red and whites, 2022 could be your year. And remember, we are not necessarily looking for a show cow.
If you don’t want to enter one of your own cows, did you know you can nominate cows owned by other Holstein Australia members?
So, what do you win? The recognition of your peers, along with your name inscribed on the Australian Cow of the Year trophy, a plaque and a feature length write up and photograph in The Journal.
Here’s everything you need to know:
- The Australian Cow of the Year is open to all females in the Holstein Australia Herdbook or Appendix.
- Nominations can be received from the owner or any third party, including Sub-Branches.
- Nominations should feature high production, high classification and exceptional progeny, but do not necessarily have to be a show cow.
- Entries must be accompanied by a photograph.
- To qualify, the cow must have been born in Australia and be alive (in milk or dry) at 31st May 2022.
- Any animals in which members of the Breed Development & Conformation Committee or their families have an interest may not be entered in the competition.
- Previous winners are ineligible for entry.
All you need to do is download the official entry form, complete it and send it to the Holstein Australia office at enquiry@holstein.com.au.
-Holstein Australia