Avonlea Dempsey Tammy (JH & CJ Gardiner) 6 year + 2020 winner
There is still time to enter the combined 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 Semex-Holstein Australia All-Australian Photographic Competition with entries closing this week.
The national competition recognises excellence in conformation and showing and is open to all Holstein Australia Herdbook and Appendix 1,2 and 3 females that have been successfully shown at any Australian show adjudicated by a member of the National Judges Panel in any of the Holstein Australia Regions or Sub-Branches.
This year’s competition includes both the 2021 and 2022 competition years as a result of COVID related disruptions to Australian shows over the last 2 years.
Entry couldn’t be simpler. Simply download the entry form check the eligibility criteria of your cow and complete the entry form, making sure to complete your animal’s Herdbook number, class entered and qualifying show and submit the entry along with your photo.
It’s a great way to showcase the best Holsteins our country has on offer says Breed Development & Conformation Committee Chair, Gino Pacitti.
It’s a major achievement for any cow to qualify and the place getters are up there with the best in the world. That’s what makes it one of the most prestigious awards for Australian Holsteins,” says Gino.
Download the Combined 2020/2021 & 2021/2022 All Australian Competition Rules and Entry Form, complete the required fields send to Holstein Australia.
All entries must be submitted by 1st July 2022. Digital entries can be emailed to cevans@holstein.com.au. Contact Celia on 03 9835 7600 with any queries. Please note that if you are exhibiting at next week’s Victorian Winter Fair there is a week’s grace on the entry deadline.
-Holstein Australia