Reminder to do annual land and stock returns in NSW

Local-Lands-Services-It’s time to do your Annual Land and Stock Return. Each year Local Land Services asks 172,000 NSW landholders to record how many livestock are on their property so stock numbers and land use can be mapped across the state.

We rely on this information when a biosecurity outbreak or emergency like flood or bushfire occurs.

With the threat of emergency animal diseases close to Australia, Local Land Services Regional Operations Executive Director Rob Kelly, said now more than ever before this information is crucial for safeguarding NSW.

“With Foot and Mouth and Lumpy Skin Disease recently detected in some of our closest neighbouring countries, your stock return information has never been more important,” said Mr Kelly.

“If an Emergency Animal Disease outbreak occurs, our expert vet teams rely on your Annual Land and Stock Return information to map livestock numbers, plan control programs and support landholders.

“Stock returns play a crucial role in safeguarding NSW’s agriculture industry and protecting our market access for producers.”

We understand many landholders don’t have any livestock and utilise their property for horticulture and cropping or enjoy their land for its biodiversity and lifestyle value.

“We still need you to complete your return to ensure you do not occur additional livestock charges on your rates and to make certain our records are up to date in case of emergencies,” said Mr Kelly.

“By ticking ‘no stock’ and submitting your return, we can build a stronger picture of land use across NSW and tailor our biodiversity and agriculture programs to assist you.”

The information also determines whether the animal health rate and meat industry levies are charged on your rates notice the following year.

The Annual Land and Stock Return is easy to complete, via our secure online customer portal or by filling out and posting back the paper form that has recently been mailed to customers. Your Annual Return and Stock Returns is due by 31 August 2022.

You can learn more about Annual Land and Stock Returns here: