Peak industry bodies show their support for Cattle Australia

Angus-at-Reiland-Cattle Council of Australia (CCA) founding members have endorsed Cattle Australia so it can become the peak industry body representing grassfed cattle producers.

At a meeting in Canberra, the founding members gave in-principle support for the draft constitution that would underpin the new representative body.

CCA President, Lloyd Hick said all parties had to make compromises to strike the agreement.

“The state farming organisation founding members were able to find the middle ground for the good of our industry,” Mr Hick said.

“This will lead to a stronger industry body for the good of all producers.

“We will now go away and make a series of minor amendments to the new constitution, as agreed by the founding members.

“CCA members will be able to show their support for the new Cattle Australia Constitution at a Special General Meeting in early September.

“The in-principle agreement also allows Cattle Australia to prepare for the democratic election of directors, who will form the inaugural board.

“The Cattle Australia Board members would start their terms after the CCA’s final Annual General Meeting, to be held in November.

“Cattle Australia membership will be free for the first year, and I encourage all levy payers to sign up so they can vote.

“We are on track to transition to a new, more democratic, financially sustainable and transparent industry representative body.

“All cattle producers should get involved in this once-in-a-generation reform.”

The founding members are the eight State Farming Organisations, including AgForce (Qld), NSW Farmers, Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association, Livestock SA, Pastoralists and Graziers’ Association of WA, Tasmanian Farmers’ and Graziers’ Association, Victorian Farmers’ Federation and WA Farmers.