Grass-fed cattle producers will have the opportunity to guide the direction of their industry in a way like never before, when Cattle Australia holds its inaugural democratic Board elections in November 2022.
The new peak body for the grass-fed cattle industry, which will provide a visible, unified and influential voice for producers, is now in the implementation phase of its development.
This period will see the Cattle Council of Australia (CCA), the current peak body, transition to Cattle Australia, and culminate in the first Cattle Australia Board elections at the November 2022 CCA Annual General Meeting.
Cattle Australia Implementation Committee member Geoff Pearson said it was an exciting time for the industry.
“A new peak body offering inclusion, producer representation and strong advocacy is within reach,” Mr Pearson said.
“The governance structure and draft constitution put Cattle Australia on track to launch this year.
“To prepare for November’s democratic elections, all grass-fed cattle levy-payers can now sign up and register to vote as Cattle Australia members.
“I encourage all eligible producers to sign up to have their say on the future of the grass-fed sector.”
Eligible producers can become a member of Cattle Australia at
Producers with current CCA memberships will be transferred to Cattle Australia and are automatically eligible to vote.
Registered producers can both nominate candidates and vote in the upcoming Board elections.
CCA President Lloyd Hick said a strong membership base was critical for Cattle Australia to deliver on its vision of a strong and secure grass-fed cattle industry.
“Cattle Australia will develop policy and advocate for all grass-fed cattle producers,” Mr Hick said.
“It represents grass-fed producers paying the Cattle Transaction Levy and needs their input.
“I urge producers to register to vote and become a member of Cattle Australia.
“With challenges such as Foot and Mouth Disease on our doorstep, it’s vital we are united.
“Cattle Australia will bring us together to tackle challenges and take advantage of opportunities.”
For more information on Cattle Australia, visit