CCA welcomes national biosecurity strategy

biosecurity-4Cattle Council of Australia (CCA) has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement of a National Biosecurity Strategy, which will help better coordinate preparedness and biosecurity responses in the event of an incursion.

CCA President Lloyd Hick said Cattle Council has provided significant input in developing the strategy.

“This strategy is aimed at getting everyone on the same team to protect us against an incursion,” Mr Hick said.

“It will also help build capability at all levels, both in Australia and overseas.

“We must make sure we make the best use of all our finite resources when it comes to biosecurity.

“I congratulate the Federal Government for completing this important piece of the biosecurity puzzle.

“Biosecurity is bigger than politics, and we are pleased to see both sides have made this happen. We hope it continues to have bipartisan support.

“This strategy should be seen as an important part of our national approach to keep diseases like Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease out of the country.

“We must ensure this strategy is reviewed regularly so it can be adapted to evolving threats.

“We must also make sure we continue to properly fund and resource our biosecurity services. Without resourcing this strategy is just another plan.

“Biosecurity funding must increase as biosecurity threats increase. Sustainable funding for Australia’s biosecurity system remains an ongoing concern.

“We are pleased to see the Federal Government commit another $10 million to fight Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease in Indonesia.

“Our best bet at keeping both viruses out of Australia is by fighting them in Indonesia.

“Biosecurity does more than protect agriculture, it protects our economy and way of life in Australia.

“Everyone must remain vigilant and do their bit to keep these diseases out of our country.”

Click here to view CCA’s submission to the National Biosecurity Strategy here