All suffix traits will be available as Animal Search filters to support members and non-members to search the Limousin database for potential animals with desired traits that may suit their breeding objectives.
Following considerable research and consultation with a variety of stakeholders and consideration of member feedback on proposed changes to Limousin suffixes, the Limousin Australia Board is advising members of a new suite of suffixes that will come into effect as at 1 January 2023.
Whilst these suffixes officially take effect as 1 January 2023 they may appear on the database prior to this date or a short time after depending on ABRI’s work to transition us to the new suite of suffixes. The new suffixes will be used in all of the extracts prepared for the 2023 sale catalogues.
The review of the Limousin suffixes was initiated after a number of members noted that the existing suffixes had evolved over time with technological advances and breed advancement.
Their concerns were this evolution had led to the use of a number of suffixes being used to describe the same status, e.g. 3 suffixes to describe an animal as homozygous polled, that leads to some confusion within the marketplace and hinders clear and intuitive understanding of the suffixes.
It was noted by members all methods of determining horn/poll and coat colour status had reached similar and acceptable accuracy to no longer need to differentiate in suffixes as to how the status was determined. In reviewing the Limousin suffixes the Board considered:
- Discussions with commercial buyers/users, agents and members who expressed opinions that our existing suffixes were confusing with a number of traits being represented by more than one suffix and some suffixes being less than intuitive.
- Reflection on the purpose and use of suffixes in relation to providing information to non-members and members in their decision-making processes when considering purchases to suit their breeding objectives.
- A view of a growing number of members that the current suffixes have served their purpose as technology and herd status has evolved over a period of time but are now in some cases unnecessary.
The Board arrived at its position with general member consensus on the new suite of suffixes believing the proposed changes to be simple to understand and more intuitive than the current suffixes and brings us in line with or closer to many other breeds that have similar traits that suffixes are used for.
The Board emphasises there is no intention to change information available on the Animal Enquiry page relating to how the status of the various suffix traits were determined.
Full details of DNA test results would also continue to be reported as they are now.
All suffix traits will be available as Animal Search filters to support members and non-members to search the Limousin database for potential animals with desired traits that may suit their breeding objectives.
The Board is appreciative of the time taken by members and non-members to provide feedback, comment and suggestions to assist the development of the new simplified and more intuitive suite of suffixes. Click here to see a summary of the new Limousin suffixes and how they will appear after animal names.
-Limousin Australia