Cattle Australia members have the opportunity to be part of a powerful voice representing their interests, with the nomination process for the Cattle Australia Regional Consultative Committee (RCC) and Board Director positions.
Nominations are open for 15 democratically elected RCC positions and two democratically elected Board Director positions (one from the North Australia Beef Research region and one from the Southern Australia Livestock Research region).
Both processes will provide members with the chance to have a key role in shaping the future of the grass-fed cattle industry.
Acting Cattle Australia CEO and Board Director, Adam Coffey, said it marks a significant milestone for the national body with the election process guaranteeing Cattle Australia is driven by a Board of Directors and RCC chosen by the very people it represents – grass-fed cattle producers.
“We’re fortunate to have so many talented, passionate and hard-working Cattle Australia members in the grass-fed cattle industry, and we’d love to see these members throw their hat in the ring to help drive positive change in the industry,” Mr Coffey said.
Cattle Australia Chair, David Foote, said for the first time, regional representation (via the RCC) will be sourced democratically with elected representatives playing an integral role in identifying priorities, whilst strengthening Cattle Australia’s direction through greater engagement with grassroots members.
“Elected RCC members will build on the excellent work of previous Policy Advisory Council members, expanding beyond policy to develop strategy around advocacy, consultation of members at a regional level and engagement of broader society,” said Mr Foote.
You can view the Cattle Australia Constitution here and the By-laws here to learn more about Board Director positions and the RCC.
-Cattle Australia