Lot 5 – Summit Meadowgrass T60
Summit Livestock held their fifth Spring Selection Online Sale on Auctions Plus in October and despite the depressed commercial market conditions and lack of rain across many parts of the eastern seaboard, interest in the sale was still strong.
An elite line of yearling heifers sired by Anchor B Gold Rush and SYES Easy Going sold to a full clearance to breeders across QLD, NSW and Victoria.
The heifer draft topped at $5,250 for Lot 5 – Summit Meadowgrass T60, one of the first SYES Easy Going progeny to be sold in Australia, to Carrungi Limousins in Victoria.
There was also strong interest in the genetic packages on offer, with lots selling to every state in Australia. The embryo lots topped at $1,300, for a package out of Summit’s leading donor Meadowgrass H39 and bred to the outstanding new US sire RUNL Justified, to Rodham Livestock, NSW.
Semen packages also sold well with the Limousin semen lots topping at $170/straw for ROMN Made to Order, to Morrisvale Limousins in WA. Packages offered on new sires RUNL Justified and Summit First Fleet S41 were also well sought after.
Even with the current tempered market conditions and weak season outlook for many parts of the country, it is refreshing to see there is still plenty of confidence to invest in Limousin genetics, with the lots offered providing buyers with good value.
Vendors Hayden & Jasmine Green would like to sincerely thank everyone who supported this year’s sale and are looking forward to some exciting developments in the pipeline for the 2024 sale event.
-Limousin Australia