The heifer calf, Reiland Elsa U338, sold on her dam Reiland Elsa N799, for the top price of $12,500 in the Reiland Angus Proven Practical Angus Genetics online sale.
Elite females with calves sold to a top of $12,500 at the Reiland Angus Proven Practical Angus Genetics online sale on Friday, December 8.
The sale hosted on AuctionsPlus sold 17 from the 27 lots offered for an average of $6044. A further four females were under offer post-sale.
The top priced female, Lot 7, Reiland Elsa N799, and heifer calf Reiland Elsa U338, was purchased by Graham and Judy Houston, Houston Pastoral, Burrowye, Victoria.
The calf was sired by Trafalgar Phoenix R44 and had a 200-day weight of 330kg with predicted EBVs of +3.3kg for birthweight, +60kg for 200-day weight, +18kg for milk and +8.6sqcm for eye muscle area.
A combination of super looks and data set, the dam was sired by Kidman Impact K99 and was offered rejoined. She ranked on BREEDPLAN top five per cent for eye muscle area at +12sqcm, boasted ample growth at +124kg for 600-day weight and top 2 per cent scrotal circumference at +4.4cm.
The second top price was $10,250 for Reiland Glenoura P71, and her thumping bull calf, Reiland U-Phoenix U318, purchased by Chris Garvin, Trowbridge Triple B Angus, Orange, NSW.
The bull calf weighed 423kg at nine months of age and was sired by Trafalgar Phoenix R44. He had mid parent estimated breeding values of +3.4kg for birthweight, +20kg for milk, +59kg for 200-day weight and an eye muscle area of +8.3sqcm.
“The cow had impressive body depth, capacity and had always performed at the top end of her contemporary group,” Reiland co-principal Mark Lucas said.
Mr Garvin also purchased a further three lots to a top of $8500.
The cows catalogued were offered with calf at side and rejoined or open for a flush or joining to sire of choice while the heifers were AIed or pregnancy tested in calf to Trafalgar Phoenix R44 and Dunlop Park Renwick R70.
Mr Lucas said the online sale represented an opportunity to access a generation of exclusive new genetics as potential donors and proven dams with carcase performance bloodlines from Reiland.
Buyers bid online from NSW, Victoria and Tasmania with conjunctional agents being Elders and Nutrien Ag Solutions.