New Beef Fundamentals course launched by Local Land Services

Improving skills and knowledge regarding animal husbandry, land/grazing management and disaster preparedness is the focus of a new Beef Fundamentals Course launched by Local Land Services this week.

Local Land Services in partnership with Department of Primary Industries and Tocal College, under the Early Needs Recovery Program, have developed a beef fundamentals educational package consisting of online modules and face-to-face training sessions.

Local Land Services Business Partner Sustainable Agriculture Dale Kirby said the new course will benefit both new and experienced producers.
“Whether you’re new to the beef industry or an existing landholder with a smaller herd or holding, this course will equip you with essential knowledge and skills necessary to improve your cattle management practices,” Mr Kirby said.

“There will be two components to the beef fundamentals course. Firstly, online learning including 6 self-paced modules available now, followed by local, face-to-face workshops held in early 2024.

“Course attendees can choose to complete the online learning component, attend a face-to-face workshop comprising half day on-ground learning sessions with practical demonstrations and hands on experience where they can learn from experienced livestock experts and ask questions, or participate in both.

DPI Group Director, Livestock Systems, Dougal Gordon said providing online and face to face learning options, will allow the course to be readily available for producers.

“The option for online learning will allow time poor landholders anywhere in NSW to access this important training and progress at their own pace and revisit the course material for up to 12 months”.

“The face-to-face learning sessions held across different regions of NSW will then enhance this learning through localised knowledge and hands-on experience.”

Key topics covered in the course include cattle nutrition and feed calculation, live assessments, pasture considerations, National Livestock Identification System (NLIS), biosecurity, welfare of cattle, transporting cattle, diseases and parasites, genetics and breeding, planning for extreme climatic events and business and farm management.

This course has been developed by livestock experts from NSW Department of Primary Industries and Local Land Services.

Registration is essential. Find out more and register to attend the Beef Fundamentals Course.

The Early Needs Recovery Program is part of the $150 million Primary Industry Support Package which is co-funded by the Australian and NSW Governments.